Skyrocket Your Instagram Growth: Proven Tips

Growing your Instagram can feel like a Herculean task, especially when your follower count resembles a car stuck in the mud. But what if you could rev up your growth and zoom from ho-hum to whoa in less than two months? That's precisely what I've managed to pull off, racing from 800 to a whopping 6,000 followers. Curious about how I shifted gears? Buckle up, because I'm about to share all the juicy details!

The Magic of Trending Audio

First things first: trending audio. If you're anything like I was, you might be snoozing on this potent growth elixir. But here's the scoop—trending audio is like the secret sauce of Instagram engagement. For the longest time, I was just using whatever tunes I had on hand, or sometimes, shockingly, nothing at all! Once I tuned into the rhythmic pulse of what's hot at the moment, the change was palpable. Dive into trending tracks, and let them work their magic on your content!

The Art of the Snappy Video

Here’s something I tripped over on my way up: shorter videos dovetail beautifully with our collective goldfish-like attention spans. Keep it brief, keep it snappy, and loop it for best results. Remember, every replay is like a high-five for your Insta stats.

Being Relatable, Not Salesy

Now, let's chat about voice—not your singing voice (we’ll save that for another day), but your insta-voice. If every post screams "Buy this!" you'll likely hear crickets rather than cha-chings. Instead, why not weave your offerings into stories or moments that echo with care, concern, or just plain old fun? People cling to what tugs at their hearts, so make sure you're plucking the right strings.

The Irresistible Hook

Ever wonder what makes you read an article till the end or watch a video on repeat? Introducing the venerable hook. Make the first few seconds of your video impossible to ignore, and start your caption with a bang! Hooks are like the gravitational pull for curious minds—once you’ve got them, they’ll stick around for more.

Consistency is Key

Lastly, and arguably most crucially, let's talk consistency. Posting "every once in a blue moon" won't cut it unless you’re selling lunar real estate. If you want to muscle up your Instagram game, consider your posts as reps at the gym. The more you post, the stronger your presence. It's a simple equation that promises hefty returns.

Wrapping It Up

Navigating the bustling world of Instagram might seem like plotting a course through star-studded skies. But with a little ingenuity and lots of elbow grease, the stars aren’t as far as they appear. Use trending audio to charm the algorithm, keep your videos quick and mesmerizing, strike a relatable chord with your audience, craft captivating hooks, and stick to a consistent posting schedule. Shoot for the stars, and soon, you might just find yourself among them.

Happy Instagramming! Is there an Instagram hurdle you're grappling with? Drop your thoughts in the comments below and let’s rally together towards Insta-stardom!

How to Embed Your Airbnb Listing on Your Website Like a Pro

How to Embed Your Airbnb Listing on Your Website Like a Pro

Welcome to the world of Airbnb hosting! If you're like me, you're super excited about listing your newly renovated gem and can't wait to showcase it on your own website. Well, don't worry, because today, I'm going to walk you through embedding your Airbnb listing onto your website, making it as easy as pie.

Winning in a Competitive Market: Tips for Businesses

In the world of business and personal achievements, competition is a constant presence. For those of us who are naturally competitive, the concept of playing to win is ingrained in our very being. We often believe that there's little point in pursuing something unless we're aiming for excellence. This mindset is foundational not just in personal endeavors but also in the corporate world, where the mantra "execute with excellence" underlines the importance of putting your best foot forward. Yet, this value is tested most when faced with competition in your market.

Let me share a story about a local business that was thriving, with great brand recognition and customer loyalty, until a competitor moved in close by. This competitor, sharing a similar passion but nothing proprietary, began to eat into the market share, eventually leading to the original business’s withdrawal from the market. This isn't a tale to scare you but to highlight a reality: the market is ripe for competition, and anyone can replicate what you're doing.

The question then becomes, how do you handle competition? While some, like Gary Vee, advocate for ignoring competition and focusing on your own game, there are three strategies I've found particularly effective in navigating and succeeding in competitive markets.

1. Do Your Homework

Before diving into a new venture, it’s crucial to survey the landscape. Understand who your competitors are, what they excel at, and where they might be lacking. Consider the market share they hold and how you might persuade their customers to give your service a try. A thorough evaluation can save you the headache of formulating strategies reactively and instead allow you to enter the market with a well-informed, proactive stance.

2. Focus on Yourself

Echoing some wisdom from Gary Vee, obsessing over competitors can distract you from your own goals and strategies. Remember, there's a reason you started your business—perhaps it was a gap you saw in the market, or a unique skill set you possess. Whatever the reason, pouring your passion into your venture and focusing on operational excellence can lead to success and progress. It's about running your race, staying patient, and consistently doing the right things.

3. Celebrate Your Differences

Every business has something that sets it apart. Maybe it's the way you communicate with customers, or perhaps it's an above-and-beyond service you offer. Identifying and amplifying these unique selling points is crucial. Take a moment to list down what makes your business special and think about how you can communicate these differentiators through various channels—be it blogs, videos, or newsletters. Highlighting what makes you distinct not only attracts customers but also fuels word-of-mouth marketing, further setting you apart from the competition.


Facing competition in the market is inevitable, but how you deal with it can make all the difference. From thorough preliminary research to a steadfast focus on your unique mission and celebrating your distinct qualities, there are strategies to not just survive but thrive. Embrace competition as an opportunity to refine your business, highlight your differences, and focus on delivering with excellence. The journey might be challenging, but the rewards of growing your business on your terms are immense and fulfilling. Remember, in the vast playground of business, there's ample space for those who are prepared, passionate, and proudly distinct.

The Power of Delayed Gratification

In the fast-paced world of real estate investment, instant gratification may seem like the ultimate goal. After all, who wouldn't want to see immediate returns on their investments? However, experienced real estate investors understand that the power of delayed gratification can lead to greater long-term success. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of delayed gratification and why it's a valuable strategy for real estate investors.

Understanding Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification is the practice of resisting the temptation for immediate rewards and instead opting for a more substantial benefit in the future. In the context of real estate investment, this means being patient and making choices that may not yield quick profits but are likely to lead to more significant gains down the road. Let's delve into why this approach is so powerful.

  1. Building Wealth Over Time

Real estate investment is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a long-term wealth-building strategy. When you prioritize delayed gratification, you're willing to wait for your investments to appreciate in value and generate higher returns over time. Instead of cashing out quickly, you allow your assets to grow and compound, increasing your net worth in the process.

  1. Weathering Market Fluctuations

Real estate markets can be unpredictable. Values may rise and fall due to economic factors, interest rates, or local conditions. By practicing delayed gratification, you are better equipped to weather these fluctuations. Instead of panic-selling during a downturn, you can hold onto your investments, knowing that over time, the market is likely to recover and appreciate in value.

  1. Leveraging the Power of Compounding

The concept of compound interest is often associated with investments like stocks and bonds, but it's equally applicable in real estate. When you reinvest your rental income or any gains from a sale into additional properties, you create a compounding effect. Over time, this can lead to exponential growth in your real estate portfolio.

  1. Strategic Property Improvements

Delayed gratification also comes into play when deciding when and how to improve your properties. Instead of rushing into renovations or updates that may not yield immediate returns, you can take a strategic approach. Prioritize improvements that will increase the property's long-term value and desirability, even if they don't lead to immediate rent hikes or a quick sale.

  1. Risk Mitigation

By focusing on long-term gains, you are inherently mitigating risks. Real estate investments carry risks, just like any other form of investment. However, by maintaining a patient, long-term perspective, you can minimize the impact of short-term setbacks and navigate the inevitable challenges that come with real estate investing.


The power of delayed gratification is not to be underestimated in the world of real estate investment. While the allure of quick profits may be tempting, the most successful investors understand that real estate is a marathon, not a sprint. By practicing patience, building wealth over time, leveraging compounding, and making strategic decisions, you'll position yourself for long-term success in the ever-evolving real estate market. So, if you're a real estate investor, remember that delayed gratification can be your most potent tool in achieving your financial goals.

How to Acquire New Customers

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, acquiring new customers is a crucial aspect of sustainable growth. While traditional marketing and advertising tactics remain essential, the modern customer demands more. They want a seamless, personalized experience from the very first interaction. In this blog, we will explore three key strategies to acquire new customers for your business: focusing on customer experience and first impressions, being aware of customer feedback, and communicating with customers via means like social media.

1. Focusing on Customer Experience and First Impressions

A. Master the Art of First Impressions

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and this holds true in the world of business. Whether it's your website, physical store, or the initial phone call, the first interaction sets the tone for the entire customer journey. Ensure that your brand identity is clear, appealing, and reflective of your company's values and mission.

B. Personalization Is Key

Customers are inundated with generic messages and offers every day. To stand out, personalize your interactions with potential customers. Use data-driven insights to understand their preferences and needs, and tailor your marketing messages accordingly. Personalization makes customers feel valued and understood, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

C. Streamline the Customer Journey

A seamless and hassle-free customer journey is essential for converting leads into loyal customers. Make sure your website is user-friendly, with intuitive navigation, quick loading times, and mobile optimization. Offer various payment options, and simplify the checkout process to minimize cart abandonment rates.

2. Being Aware of Customer Feedback

A. Collect Feedback Continuously

Gathering customer feedback is not a one-time effort; it should be an ongoing process. Encourage customers to leave reviews on your website, social media, or review platforms like Yelp and Google Reviews. Consider sending post-purchase surveys to gain insights into their experiences. Every piece of feedback, positive or negative, is an opportunity to learn and improve.

B. Act on Feedback

Receiving feedback is only half the battle. Act on it. Address customer concerns promptly, and use their suggestions to enhance your products or services. Publicly acknowledging and resolving issues demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and builds trust.

C. Showcase Positive Reviews

Positive reviews and testimonials can be powerful tools to attract new customers. Feature them prominently on your website and social media profiles. Prospective customers are more likely to trust the experiences of others who have already interacted with your business.

3. Communicating with Customers via Means like Social Media

A. Leverage the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms are treasure troves for customer acquisition. Maintain an active presence on platforms that align with your target audience, and engage with users regularly. Share valuable content, respond to comments and messages promptly, and run targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential customers.

B. Provide Value and Authenticity

Don't use social media solely as a promotional tool. Instead, focus on providing value to your followers. Share informative and entertaining content, industry insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. Building a genuine connection with your audience fosters trust and encourages them to explore your products or services.

C. Harness User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to share their experiences with your brand on social media through hashtags and contests. User-generated content acts as authentic endorsements and can significantly influence prospective customers' decisions.

In conclusion, acquiring new customers is not just about attracting attention; it's about providing a stellar customer experience, actively listening to feedback, and building meaningful connections through channels like social media. By prioritizing these strategies, you can win over new customers and pave the way for long-term business success. Remember, every new customer acquired is an opportunity for growth and advocacy, which can, in turn, attract even more customers to your business.

When Do You Need to Hire Help?

As a small business owner, you likely wear multiple hats and handle numerous tasks to keep your business running smoothly. However, there comes a time when your workload becomes overwhelming, and you need assistance to maintain growth and focus on essential responsibilities. Knowing when to hire help or an assistant is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your business's productivity and success. In this blog post, we'll explore three main steps to help you make that decision wisely and efficiently.

Step 1: Be Organized

Before considering hiring help, it's essential to establish a solid foundation of organization within your business. A well-organized business allows you to evaluate your workload accurately, identify pain points, and determine where assistance is needed. Here are a few tips to enhance your organization:

a. Task tracking: Maintain a comprehensive list or use project management tools to record all your regular tasks, ongoing projects, and deadlines. Categorize them based on priority and frequency.

b. Time management: Track how much time you spend on each task and analyze where your efforts yield the highest return on investment (ROI). This evaluation will help you identify tasks that only you can handle and those that can be delegated.

c. Streamline processes: Continuously optimize your workflows and streamline repetitive tasks. Automate wherever possible using technology solutions, freeing up time for more critical business functions.

Step 2: Evaluate Tasks for Delegation

Once you have established organization and gained clarity on your workload, it's time to assess which tasks can be offloaded to others. While you may be hesitant to let go of certain responsibilities initially, remember that delegating tasks will allow you to focus on higher-value activities. Here's how to evaluate your tasks:

a. Identify repetitive or administrative tasks: Look for tasks that require less expertise and involve routine processes. These may include answering emails, data entry, scheduling appointments, social media management, or basic bookkeeping.

b. Assess skill requirements: Determine the skill sets necessary to accomplish these tasks effectively. Consider the required expertise, experience, and soft skills needed for a potential hire to handle them efficiently.

c. Separate critical tasks: Identify tasks that directly contribute to your business's growth and require your unique knowledge, expertise, and decision-making abilities. These are the responsibilities that should remain your top priority.

Step 3: Detail Every Aspect of the Job

Before bringing someone on board, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the role and responsibilities you want them to undertake. Detailing every aspect of the job will aid in forming an accurate job description and assist in training your new hire effectively. Consider the following points:

a. Write a comprehensive job description: Clearly define the tasks, responsibilities, and expectations of the role. Specify any necessary qualifications, desired experience, and required skills.

b. Establish measurable goals and objectives: Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the position's responsibilities. These metrics will help assess the performance and impact of your new hire.

c. Develop a training plan: Outline a comprehensive training program that covers the essential knowledge and skills required for the position. Provide resources, documentation, and mentorship if necessary to ensure a smooth onboarding process.

Knowing when to hire help or an assistant is a crucial step in the growth journey of a small business owner. By following these three main steps, you can make an informed decision about delegating tasks, freeing up your time, and focusing on the core aspects of your business that only you can handle. Remember, hiring help is an investment in the growth and success of your business, and when done thoughtfully, it can lead to increased productivity, enhanced efficiency, and ultimately, greater business achievements.

A Guide on How To Respond to Negative Reviews

How To Respond to Negative Reviews

As a small business owner, negative reviews can be tough to swallow. You pour your heart and soul into your business, and to see someone criticize it publicly can be disheartening. However, how you respond to these reviews can make all the difference in how potential customers perceive your business. Here are four key points to keep in mind when responding to negative reviews:

1. Respond to reviews promptly.

When a customer leaves a negative review, it's important to respond in a timely manner. This shows that you value their feedback and are committed to addressing any concerns they may have. Ideally, you should aim to respond within 24 hours of the review being posted. This will not only help to mitigate any damage caused by the negative review, but it will also demonstrate to potential customers that you are attentive and responsive to customer needs.

2. Acknowledge customer complaints instead of arguing.

When responding to negative reviews, it's important to avoid getting defensive or argumentative. Even if you don't agree with the customer's assessment of your business, it's important to acknowledge their complaint and express empathy for their experience. This shows that you value their opinion and are willing to take their feedback seriously. Instead of arguing with the customer, focus on finding a solution to their problem.

3.Affirm the customer's thoughts.

In addition to acknowledging the customer's complaint, it's important to affirm their thoughts and feelings. For example, you might say something like, "I'm sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our business. We understand how frustrating that can be, and we want to do everything we can to make it right." By affirming the customer's thoughts and feelings, you show that you are empathetic and understand where they're coming from.

4.Invite the customer to be a repeat customer.

Finally, it's important to invite the customer to give your business another chance. Even if their initial experience was negative, most situations are capable of being redeemed with a little effort. You might offer them a discount on their next purchase, or simply express your hope that they will give your business another try. By inviting the customer to be a repeat customer, you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and show that you value their business.

In conclusion, negative reviews can be tough to handle, but responding to them in a thoughtful and empathetic manner can help to mitigate any damage caused and demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. By responding promptly, acknowledging customer complaints, affirming their thoughts and feelings, and inviting them to be a repeat customer, you can turn a negative experience into a positive one and build stronger relationships with your customers.

"Maximize Your Social Media Success in 2023: A Guide for Small Businesses - The Top 3 Strategies to Drive Engagement, Clarify Your Message, and Achieve Business Marketing Goals"

"Maximize Your Social Media Success in 2023: A Guide for Small Businesses - The Top 3 Strategies to Drive Engagement, Clarify Your Message, and Achieve Business Marketing Goals"

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of social media in today's digital age. It's a powerful tool that can help you reach a wider audience, establish brand recognition, and drive sales. But with so many social media platforms and strategies to choose from, it can be challenging to know where to start. That's why in this blog, we'll be focusing on the three things you should be doing on social media this year to achieve business success.

  1. Shortform Content to Stay Connected with Your Audience Daily

Shortform content refers to bite-sized pieces of content that are easy to consume and share, such as Instagram stories, TikTok videos, and Twitter posts. This type of content is perfect for keeping your audience engaged and connected with your brand on a daily basis. With shortform content, you can showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, share exciting news and updates, and give your followers a taste of your personality. By consistently posting shortform content, you can build a strong, loyal following that is excited to see what you'll share next.

  1. Long Form Content to Cover More Depth of Subject and Bring More Value

While shortform content is great for daily engagement, it's also important to create long form content that covers more depth of a subject and provides more value to your audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, e-books, or YouTube videos. With long form content, you have the opportunity to share your expertise, provide helpful tips and advice, and show your audience that you are a thought leader in your industry. By producing high-quality long form content, you can position yourself as a trusted source of information and build credibility with your audience.

  1. Clarify What You are Selling and Have All of Your Channels Point to That Thing

Social media can be an effective marketing tool, but only if you have a clear understanding of what you're selling and how you want to sell it. This means taking the time to clarify your messaging, define your target audience, and develop a strategy for reaching them. Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, it's important to ensure that all of your social media channels point to that thing. This means having consistent branding, messaging, and calls to action across all of your profiles. By having a clear and consistent message, you'll be able to effectively communicate what your business has to offer and increase your chances of success.

In conclusion, these are the three things you should be doing on social media this year to achieve success as a small business. By consistently posting shortform content to stay connected with your audience, creating valuable long form content, and clarifying what you are selling and having all of your channels point to that thing, you'll be well on your way to building a strong, engaged following and achieving your business marketing goals. So get started today and start making the most of your social media presence!


I’ve missed you guys! ❤️The more I think about it, the more clear it becomes that relationships are one of the most important things in life. That’s why I am so thankful for the connection we have here. 😊 You’ve may have heard it said that we become like the closest 10 people we hang around. I love this because it’s both retrospective and introspective. 

We can look back over the the past few years and possibly correlated some success or areas we can grow with the company we keep. 🤔 But we can also look at our current situation and make adjustments now if needed. 

I have a love hate relationship with this saying because I feel like it leaves a lot of room for blame-shifting and I like to take responsibility for my actions, good or bad. I think that is how we grow🌳. Here is how I cope with that! If the saying is true, that means I have some responsibility to those I interact with! I can either be a positive influence or negative influence in someone’s life. 😃 let’s challenge ourselves this month to be a person that people want in their top 10. 🙌🏽 It takes intentionality, it takes work, but in the end I think we can change the world around us! Have an amazing week! ❤️


Hello my friends! I hope you are enjoying the first month of 2021! 🎉 I’ve been thinking this month so far and reflecting on life in general. There are a lot of things I set out to accomplish and some I have done and some I have failed at. In evaluating the areas that I’ve fallen short I think I can pin point two limiting factors for real SUCCESS! 🙌🏽 Those are consistency and frequency. 

Anything that you want to do will be reflected in how often you do it and how committed to it you are on a regular basis. Example: If I want to get WAY better at guitar 🎸 and I do...I would be playing licks and chords every single day. But I must not want that as much as other

things, because this year I’ve really only gotten it out here or there. 

We can apply this to any area of life that we want to see growth in and as we head into the rest of the year! 💪🏽Progress sometimes just looks like incremental steps in the right direction. Even the biggest of goals or dreams happen one step at a time! I look forward to all of the things we will become more consistent and frequent with together this year and I hope to hear some of the ways you grow too! ❤️

Look Before You Leap! 👀

I didn’t want to share this at first because quite frankly it is stupid. It was preventable and that couldn’t have been more clear to me after the fact. But the more I thought about it, I think there is value in accountability here 😅. In this picture I found myself floating above the earth after leaping off of this cliff side and headed toward a painful consequence to my actions. 

But how did I get there? Weeks before I had leaped off of a smaller rock in Utah successfully and now it was time to take my rock jumping to the next level! 

This is the point at which I should have listened to that little voice in my head saying “That looks a little farther than you should jump”. 🤨

After lots of hesitation I decided I would abandon all fear and just go for it...I came down...hard. Immediately pain shot through both heels and I realized I had made a huge mistake. 

It has been months and I am still recovering from this injury. I have just started running again but at times feel a little tenderness.🤕

Here’s what I learned: 

You may have already heard “look before you leap!” It makes sense but you may have missed the implied “think before you leap as well”. 🧐 As I thought about this I couldn’t help but think there are other areas I can apply this. How many times have I carelessly written a Facebook post without first thinking about how it would make others feel? How many times have I spoken out of anger before taking the time to cool down and approach a relationship in love? The answer is too many 😅. If you’re like me you can benefit from taking the extra time to look and think before we leap or speak. Our actions and our words matter. We can afford to take the extra time to make sure we are using them to build up others instead of tear them down! If we don’t we may spend lots of time recovering from the effects of our carelessness. Hope this helps ❤️